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Word to the wise

A few tips and thoughts for you to keep in mind as you answer quiz questions.


Being your best self requires honesty. Understanding what drives you and what derails you is key to reclaiming a sense of empowerment and those feel-good vibes.


Two-minutes. That’s all it will take to begin your journey towards happiness, health, and personal growth.


We know that there are only so many hours in the day. Just remember that you’re worth the work. Investing in yourself has a long-term trickle-down effect.


1. What’s your favorite thing to do in your spare time?

I live to lounge and read! Even better if I can take it to the beach or park.

I love to go for a hike or hit the bike trails, but if the weather isn’t with me, you’ll usually find me at the gym.

Between juggling family and work, I can’t even remember when I last had spare time!

I used to look forward to fitness classes and outdoor excursions, but I’ve had some setbacks. Now it feels like Netflix is my regularly scheduled programming.

2. How would your best buds describe you?

Rockstar! Driven, goal-oriented, bit of a born leader, not gonna lie.

Mama bear. Nurturing, giving, sometimes shy when learning.

Megamind. Strong-willed, curious, just need the right motivation and mindset.

Elastigirl. Resilient, resolute, and ready to spring back from anything!

3. Which movie training montage appeals to you the most?

Rocky IV. Rocky is the comeback king, working hard to reach the top! This tiger’s eye is on the prize!

Footloose. A love of dancing but a complete lack of know-how led to simple steps and compassionate coaching, which eventually led to Willard owning the dancefloor and capturing Carrie’s heart.

Cool Runnings. A passion for sport led Jamaican runners to embrace bobsledding, and they reached new heights through their innovation and dedication, inspiring the world.

Karate Kid. Danny thinks he’s just painting a fence or waxing a car, but he’s really learning how to kick some serious butt. It just takes the right attitude to turn everything around!

4. What are you most interested in improving when it comes to your health?

I want to get back to where I used to be. Something has changed and I feel myself sliding down the slippery slope of unhealthy habits and excuses.

I want to be inspired to make the right changes for myself. I just need help knowing where to start.

I feel like I’ve plateaued, and even though I’m fit and healthy, I want to challenge myself and see what the limits of my potential are. I just need the right thing to motivate me.

I just want to feel better rested and more comfortable. I know my sedentary lifestyle is what keeps me sore and drained. All. The. Time.

5. What’s standing between you and the lifestyle you want?

I’m good but could use a fresh perspective. I need to breathe new life into my routine so I can maximize my results.

Accountability. I’ve slipped back into old ways and need someone to keep my eye on the prize.

Energy. Or lack of it. I feel like I haven’t had a full tank in ages.

A solid plan. If only I could have some simple steps to follow to make it all feel easier.

6. It’s 11:30 p.m. and you just got a work email. What do you do?

Nothing. You’re already lost in la-la land and your phone is charging out in the kitchen. No screens before bed in your house!

You check it right away, then get up and turn the computer on. You were just scrolling, anyways, and now there’s no way you can sleep until it’s taken care of. No rest for the dedicated!

You have solid boundaries around work and home time, so you don’t even get a notification. Beauty needs her sleep!

You see the notification in the background, but you’re too busy shooting zombies to check it. Definitely skipping that early workout tomorrow!

7. What’s your biggest struggle when it comes to sticking with a healthy routine?

Planning. I know I’ve let old habits bring me down, but I don’t know how to build an effective strategy to keep me on track.

Boredom. I feel like I’ve been doing the same workout routine forever, but don’t know how to infuse inspiration into my gym time.

Pain. My body has a list of complaints for me when I wake up every morning, and it’s hard to add exercise to that list.

My own excuses. I need a total overhaul when it comes to believing in myself.

Ready to find out your feel-good formula?

Congratulations on taking the first step toward focusing on a healthier, happier you!

Your full results will be emailed to you and provide you with actionable steps to help you actualize change.

Keep in mind that these results are entirely confidential and will not be shared with your employer or anyone else unless you decide to do so yourself. Nothing but a circle of trust here!

And when you’re ready, download Exos Fit and start your assessment with your 1:1 Coach.